The primary consultant required for the Development Approval process will be your town planner who will act on your behalf to prepare/submit your development application, coordinate other town planning reports that may be required, liaise with the local council and work to obtain your development approval.
Every council and each project will always have different requirements and your town planner will be the best person to advise on what other consultants will need to be engaged. Typically, we see the following consultants required during the Development Approval stage:
- Town Planner—generally prepares the submission for council.
- Civil Engineer / Storm water Engineer / Hydraulic Engineer—will be required to provide preliminary engineering advice in relation to storm water, service connections points, flood modelling, hydraulics and other key engineering issues.
- Landscape Architect.
- Architect—will be required to provide plans, sections, elevations and a range of perspectives or renders of the buildings.
- Environmental Consultants—in the event there are environmental constraints, environmental consultants will be required to provide independent reports.
- Bushfire Consultant (only if required).
- Geotechnical Engineer—will provide a preliminary soil investigation for the site.
- Surveyor—will confirm the property boundaries.
- Traffic Management.
- Waste Management.
- Acoustic Engineer.