The Six Steps to Take Now to Develop a Successful Project

There’s a lot of frustration and chaos in the property development industry now. So many moving parts that are affecting how builders, buyers, stakeholders, developers are acting and reacting. I’m choosing not to hit the panic button. Here’s why—and the practical steps to take to develop a project successfully in this market. First, here’s your […]

The Hardest Stage of Any Project for Most Clients

During my career, one thing I’ve discovered is that the toughest time for any client on their project is that period in the project timeline before committing to builder and the funder. It’s the leap of faith before you sign the construction contract and the funding contract and pour your remaining equity into literally a […]

How I Make Tough Decisions as a Project Manager

You’re a project manager. Imagine for a minute that you’re in a meeting with your project team, resolving a complicated design issue at the boardroom table. Everyone is looking for the project manager to show leadership. Your architect wants to resolve the issue by prioritising the aesthetic outlook, which you know will increase the budget. Your […]

What To Expect During a Negotiation

Construction contract negotiations have always played an important role in the property development process and are significant in resolving the divergent interests of stakeholders. I use the same checklist to make sure that I prioritize the right issues in the negotiation.   Cost: What is the likely cost implication of this clause, or if I agree […]

One Key Thing to do Before Lodging a Development Approval

Before lodging your development approval, it’s imperative that you sit down with a sales and marketing professional to discuss the project. This guarantees you’ll get independent feedback about the product you’re thinking about bringing to the market. It can save you huge money, time and peace of mind. As a simplistic example, if your project includes […]

The Process of Obtaining a Building Approval

A building certifier gets involved during the design of the project and will provide two key deliverables: Preliminary Building Certification Report: This is a review of the building design in accordance with the Building Code of Australia. Any non-conforming elements of the design will be highlighted in this report for the design consultants to review and […]

Putting Together Your Team for the Development Approval

The primary consultant required for the Development Approval process will be your town planner who will act on your behalf to prepare/submit your development application, coordinate other town planning reports that may be required, liaise with the local council and work to obtain your development approval. Every council and each project will always have different requirements and your […]

The Importance of Getting Funding Advice Early

The best advice about funding? Get advice early in the project lifecycle. We recommend obtaining an indicative funding offer during your feasibility stage. Going through the process of obtaining an indicative funding offer will answer the following questions: Can I afford the project? How much equity and cash reserves will I need? At what point in the […]